Fireproofing & Coatings Maintenance
intelliSPEC™ is an integral part of any proactive fireproofing and coating maintenance program that reduces cost, mitigates risk and creates sustainable value by digitizing all drawings, fireproofing & coating data and walkdown information to create an overall inspection plan.
intelliSPEC™ can be utilized in six key areas of a long-term fireproofing and coating maintenance program.
To catalog and analyze the baseline survey results
Plan repair projects and work packs
Establish annual budgets based on needs and long-term strategy
Monitor, document and manage ongoing repairs
Keep the program evergreen as repairs are completed
Establish annual inspection and repair cycles for ongoing maintenance.
intelliSPEC™ also provides extensive reporting and KPI dashboards which can be used to show critical metrics of the program. Safety, quality, repair progress, costs, budgets and projections can be tracked, monitored and displayed. KPI’s and dashboards are updated in near real-time which are then globally accessible and transparent to key company stakeholders. This saves valuable time for each person responsible for managing this initiative.